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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Students of the Institute of Engine and Power Plant Engineering and Institute of Aerospace Engineering Took Part in the 12th International Youth Industrial Forum “Engineers of the Future 2024”

Students of the Institute of Engine and Power Plant Engineering and Institute of Aerospace Engineering Took Part in the 12th International Youth Industrial Forum “Engineers of the Future 2024”

Самарский университет

The Forum was organized by the Union of Machine Builders of Russia

08.07.2024 1970-01-01

Ilya Ilyin, a 4-year student from the Institute of Engine and Power Plant Engineering  with Vladislav Ostapenko (Belarus, Specialist’s program, 5-year student, Institute of Aerospace Engineering), Boa Morte do Nascimento Luìs Adolfo (Sao Tome and Principe, Bachelor’s program, 4-year student, Institute of Aerospace Engineering), Vaca Velázquez Domenica Paulina (Ecuador, 3-year student, Institute of Aerospace Engineering) took part in the 12th International Youth Industrial Forum “Engineers of the Future 2024”.

Ilya took part in the Program “Aerospace Frame” included special courses directed at the development of aerospace technologies, design of high-speed flying vehicles, studies of the flight dynamics, practical training at ECM (electronic computing machine) in computer modeling, laboratory classes in managing liquid, gas and plasma movement as well as practice in design, calculation of characteristics and launching models of flying vehicles with rocket engines.

As Ilya Ilyin said, “Overall, I liked presentations at the opening and closing ceremonies of the ‘Engineers of the Future 2024’ Forum very much. I liked the level of organization as well: the speakers tried to present information maximally briefly and in layman’s language during lectures, participants from various countries and cities were considerate and ready to help each other. This was definitely a positive experience for me. Were there minuses? Possibly, only the fact that I lived in a tent”.

Boa Morte do Nascimento Luìs Adolfo was accepted to the Program “International Cooperation” of the Forum, directed at teaching to create and prepare scientific and technological innovative projects with an opportunity to use the acquired knowledge directly in practice.

Vladislav took part in the Program “Prospective Modeling” of the Forum dedicated to the basics of using modern design methods when implementing complex projects (both development and updating of rolling stock, capable to not only give the equipment a new life but also considerably increase its operational capabilities – cost saving, environmental friendliness, comfort, reliability).

After the Forum ended, the organizers decided to combine the programs “The Aerospace Frame”, “The Engineering and Scientific Developments” and “The International Cooperation” for the participants to divide into teams, 10 persons in each, and distribute their roles for successful project defense.

Tours to enterprises located in the Tula Region were organized for the participants of the Forum: JSC research and production association NPO SPLAV named after A.N. Ganichev, JSC Design Bureau of Instrument Engineering named after academician A.G. Shipunov and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The article was prepared by the student academic community of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism of Samara University

Text: Ilya Ilyin, Ivan Perepelkin

Photo: Ilya Ilyin